Use our API

Integrate our Testing Engine API into your job portal or ATS


Our API integrated into your platform

Now you can provide your clients access to pre-employment tests directly from your job portal or ATS. Using our API, you will be able to help your clients in their screening process. Your client will be able to use Behavior and Skills tests during the recruitment and screening process.

We have over 5,000 tests
in our catalogue


The jobseekers can apply for jobs, they can also take the pre-employment tests

Your clients will love the new service that you are providing them because: Your clients will save 12 hours in screening and interviewing time for every job Your clients will find top performing employees from your job portal

Your clients can see the scores of the
jobseekers in real time

View candidates' scores and other details in the TSC

Use key indicators and
information on a TSC to make effective hiring decisions.

Interact with candidates at
different stages of your hiring through a TSC

Print and export a TSC to PDF files and save on your desktop

Amazing revenue potential

On your job portal or ATS, if you offer pre-employment tests to
100 clients, each with 20 jobs

And you charge our suggested price for unlimited of
$500 per job

The earning potential is
100 clients x 20 jobs x $500 = $1million